40 Something

Today I go from 40 to 40 Something. Sorry if you were expecting a picture of a lovely model, but I felt the need to take a rare self portrait today. Of course, I’m hiding behind one of my favorite pieces of equipment, so you can’t see my chins. Cropping off my “five head” helps too, but there’s no way to lessen the impact of my gigantic head. Shooting with a wide angle lens with something in the foreground helps a little though. Oh, the camera in the picture is my trusty Horseman LX 4×5 with a Schneider 360mm 6.8 Symmar-S lens and a 545 Polaroid back attached.

model: Brooks Ayola
makeup/hair: Brooks Ayola
styling: Brooks Ayola
retouching: Brooks Ayola
camera/film: Canon 10D, EF 17-40 @ 17mm.
lighting: Small soft box to the right, lighting the camera and one Speedotron head with 11 inch reflector and 10° grid spot as the main light. Also one open head lighting the background a tad.

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