Iona Lynn nude

Iona is a very accomplished art model that is working hard to become a better photographer. She asked me if she could assist me some day, so I suggested that we just setup a test shoot with her and I’ll answer any questions she has while we’re working. It was a fun day and I got some great stuff.

subject: Iona Lynn
makeup/hair: Jocelyn Rivard
camera/lens: Canon 5D, 70-200L IS @ 78mm
lighting: One Mole Richardson Jr. Solarspot 2K as the main light. A LTM 1K Pepper light on the left as a rim light. A Pepper 650W on the black side of the background for a little separation. The main light is barn doored down (is that a word?) and the top of the light is flagged closer to the model to make a harder shadow on the face.

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